Response to PSNI plans to close enquiry offices at 11 police stations.

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Responding to the news that the PSNI are to close 11 public enquiry desks, the Commissioner Designate for Victims of Crime Geraldine Hanna said:

“Victims I have engaged with in the past have highlighted the importance of good communication from our police service. A big part of that often comes down to visibility.  

“While I respect that difficult decisions have to be taken given the context of financial pressures, supporting victims must remain paramount in the minds of all of our police officers.

“It is vitally important for victims of crime that the quality of service they receive does not diminish in any way and that all victims have accessible means to contact the police service.

“I am hopeful that these changes will not be allowed to negatively impact victims of crime and I would encourage the PSNI that, if they cannot maintain Station Enquiry Offices, to find other ways to make sure their officers communicate effectively and are visible to all victims of crime.”