Our Role
The Victims of Crime Commission was established to:
- provide a voice for all victims of crime;
- identify, promote, encourage and issue guidance on good practice;
- review the adequacy and effectiveness of law and practice;
- review the operation and delivery of Charter entitlements;
- direct complaints and monitor outcomes;
- advise and make recommendations; and
- undertake or commission research.
Our Vision
A Society where victims of all crime feel valued and have rights to protection, participation, support and redress.
Our Values

The Commission for Victims of Crime will use your first hand experiences, whether good or bad, to improve the services and support offered to victims of crime. It will:
- listen to your experiences
- work with criminal justice organisations to improve performance
- hold government to account for their treatment of victims
- monitor compliance with the Victim Charter
- raise awareness of all of the issues effecting victims of crime
- advise on good practice
The Commission for Victims of Crime is set up to provide support to victims of all types of crime. There is a separate Commission to deal with victims of the Troubles in Northern Ireland. It is called the Commission for Victims and Survivors.
Our Strategy
The Commissioner Designate published her strategy in November 2022. It outlines the key areas which she will prioritise for focus over the next three years.