Have Your Say

About the crime
Was the crime reported to the police?
Was the crime domestically motivated? (for example were/are you in an intimate relationship with the perpetrator or are they a family member?)
Was the crime a hate crime? (motivated by prejudice against your religion, sexual orientation, race or disability)
Experience with the criminal justice system - In this section we want to hear about your experiences, both positive and negative with the different agencies in the criminal justice system. Please do not feel obliged to share anything you are uncomfortable with our team knowing or details that may identify you or others.
Have you made a complaint about any of the Criminal Justice Agencies about your experience? Please select the agencies you made a complaint against
Please provide your contact details
Are you interested in being involved in any future research or media interest regarding the experience of victims of crime? If so, please advise us of your preferred email or phone contact for us to hold on record.
Preferred contact
Are you content for CVOCNI to contact you regarding this submission?